Studio Policy


Below is our Studio Policy that you, our valued customer, must agree to when learning at Treviano Studio.  Please note that in the spirit of fairness, we are unfortunately unable to make any exceptions to our policy.  This means we can run a professional, manageable, sustainable and full studio whilst maintaining a workable personal life.

Our studio is completely full and we continually have an active waiting list of students eager to join us.  We teach back-to-back lessons every weeknight from 3:30-9:00pm and Saturday from 8:00am-5:00pm.  Unfortunately, this means we have zero free time slots in our schedule to do makeup fit-ins if you cancel a lesson. Considering this, we're sure you can appreciate how difficult organising a makeup lesson is and inevitably,  often end up having to create extra teaching hours in our own personal time.  With this in mind, please give your absolute best effort to attend every lesson in your exclusive weekly timeslot that we have reserved for you.  Please only cancel if it’s truly unavoidable and give us as much notice as possible.

Thank you so much for helping us manage our schedule :-)

Below is our complete and detailed policy.  However, here are our most important key policies.

Key Policies

2024 Treviano Studio Policy